Upholding Unity: Habema Soldiers Repaint Walls Defaced with Morning Star Symbols

    Upholding Unity: Habema Soldiers Repaint Walls Defaced with Morning Star Symbols

    PAPUA - The Free Papua Movement (OPM) struck again, this time targeting the tranquil Aifat District of Maybrat Regency, Papua. On Saturday, December 14, 2024, during a routine patrol in Susumuk Village, soldiers from the 501/BY Task Force uncovered walls of abandoned buildings vandalized with the Morning Star symbol and inflammatory writings—symbols often linked to separatist provocations.

    Recognizing the potential threat these markings posed to public order and regional stability, the soldiers of Satgas Yonif 501 Kostrad took swift action to erase the provocative symbols. Armed with paint and brushes, they transformed the defaced walls into canvases of unity, emblazoned with nationalist messages underscoring Papua’s integral role within the Republic of Indonesia.

    This initiative demonstrated not only the vigilance but also the proactive efforts of the TNI to maintain peace and solidarity in Papua amidst ongoing challenges. “The Morning Star graffiti serves as a reminder of our duty to identify and neutralize all forms of provocation that threaten stability, ” remarked Lieutenant Colonel Infantry Yahkya Wisnu Arianto, S.Sos., M.Han., Commander of the 501/BY Task Force.

    The swift response to this incident underscores the ongoing commitment of the Indonesian Armed Forces to safeguard Papua and reassure its citizens. Brigadier General TNI Lucky Avianto, Commander of HABEMA, emphasized the importance of such initiatives: "Ensuring security in Papua requires vigilance and dedication. Our efforts aim not only to prevent threats but also to foster a sense of unity and safety among the community."

    Through this act, the soldiers of Satgas Yonif 501 sent a clear message: Papua’s future lies in peace, unity, and shared prosperity under the umbrella of the Republic of Indonesia.

    Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Colonel Arh Yogi Nugroho

    Jurnalis Agung

    Jurnalis Agung

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